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How we help potential and transferring foster carers

 The majority of enquiries come through to us via our online enquiry form, but others prefer to phone call us instead to find out more and speak to one of our team instantly. Either way we're happy to support and we understand that people will be at different stages in their thought process and level of interest so we work with enquirers to advise. 

Some people might already be foster carers with other regional agencies and wish to transfer to their home local authority. They are often ahead of the game and might know exactly what they want to do.

With new prospective foster carers who are ready to apply, we spend time helping them understand what the process looks like, how long it takes, what assessment feels like. We also answer questions like 'will I be paid?' We also get questions about prospective foster carers' specific circumstances and whether their circumstances could be barriers to becoming a foster carer. Find out more on our Transferring to us pages.

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