7 Reasons to Choose Fostering with Your Local Authority
'What's the difference between private and council fostering?' is a question we are regularly asked at the Foster with North East hub.

We support foster carers through the approval process with our 12 local authority partners and can talk you through the differences between agency fostering and local authority fostering services.
The main difference to consider is that council fostering services are run by the local authority to provide care for children within our local communities. Private or independent fostering agencies can sometimes be not-for-profit organisations or charities, but they are often commercial organisations run as businesses.
In this post, we'll walk you through seven reasons why you should choose fostering with your local authority, with our support:
- Help local children, families and support you community
- Work with a team that knows your area
- Work together to shape a child's future
- Find fostering opportunities that work for you
- Combine fostering with other roles
- Be part of a supportive local fostering community
- There's more support available than ever before
1. You'll help local children, families and support your community
If you're looking for a positive way to impact your local community now and in the future, fostering is a great place to start. In most cases, where it is safe to do so, local authorities try to match children within their home council area with council trained and supported foster carers. Staying in their local area helps give children consistency and makes things like staying in touch with important people like friends and family easier. It can also keep young people connected with any extracurricular clubs and from a practical point of view makes school runs easier.

"I was brought up on a very deprived council estate and my mum worked in the community, so we've always been helping people that are in need. And it's just something that I wanted to do. I've always wanted to do it, really, and then I got married, and my partner wanted to do it." Joanne, Foster Carer.
2. You'll work with a care team that knows your area
Local authority social work teams have an overview of the journey of children as they become cared for. They get to know children, families, foster carers and our communities in the area they work in every day. It makes matching children to suitable foster carers easier and means support is never too far away.
3. You'll work together to shape a child's future
When you foster with the local authority, your supervising social worker and the social worker of any fostered child you care for are part of the same organisation. You'll work towards a shared goal of providing the best possible care to shape that child's future positively. There's also a shared understanding of policies and processes.
"You do have a lot of support, which is definitely needed. I absolutely love my social worker. I've told her she's never allowed to leave me!" Leigh, Foster Carer
4. Find fostering opportunities that work for you
Local authorities typically need safe and nurturing homes for children and young people of all ages and need levels from birth to 18. So, you'll find lots of different fostering options with your local council fostering service.
5. You could combine fostering with other roles
During your fostering application we'll explore how you can make fostering work for you. Unlike many fostering agencies, our local authority partners don't insist that everyone in the home isn't working. We'll discuss how different types of fostering could work with your situation. Once approved, your local authority will look for matches based on your circumstances.
"I think the reservations we had were around us both working full time. I think quite a few people look at fostering, and it is their job, but it's their full-time role. When we first went through training, we were the only couple that worked, and we kind of thought at that time that it wouldn't work for us. There's that doubt sort of doubt or misconception that fostering has to be full-time. But it doesn't have to be, and if you do have another job, you can make it work and get support." Lee, Foster Carer.
6. Be part of your supportive local fostering community
We have some excellent local authority foster carers here in the North East who welcome new carers and can signpost you to help and advice. That's why we set up our foster care buddy scheme. From your first enquiry, we can match you with an existing foster carer for support from someone who has been there and done that.
The partner local authorities within Foster with North East run support groups and events, and many foster carers we speak to say they love to meet up socially with fellow local carers, too. So there's no need to feel lonely or to travel for help and advice like you may need to with an independent fostering agency. The support you need is right on your doorstep.
"There's so much work that goes into getting to know you as foster carers and the training that you get provided as well, which is fantastic. We've made quite a few friends through fostering and through training. Initially, when we started doing our training to become foster carers, we met people. It's quite nice when you go on the training course; you'll see them again and see how they're getting on." Sharen and Lee, Foster Carers.
7) There's more training, benefits and support than ever before
Our 12 partner local authorities across the North East are working together to build better futures for children in our region. They offer long-term training, support, and development to help you feel confident and progress in this professional role. Post-approval training is delivered in-person and online and the initial Skills to Foster training is delivered throughout the North East so you can find a venue that suits you
Financial support and payments
Each local authority offers financial support in the form of a council fostering allowance and benefits package. It's worth comparing the payments and discounts offered by your local authority that aren't usually part of the allowances offered by fostering agencies.
All Foster with North East partners offer a Mockingbird programme, which is designed to provide the support and relationships found in an extended family. This model fosters strong connections between children, young people, and foster families, helping them to build a resilient and caring community.
Get support to become a North East local authority foster carer
At Foster with North East, our role is to get your foster care journey off to the best start with guidance for approval and pre-approval fostering training. There's also the option to buddy up with an existing foster carer, who will offer you a friendly and experienced listening ear.
We're ready and waiting to answer your questions about becoming a local authority foster carer. Enquire now or call us on and we can tell you about the process. You do not commit by enquiring, but we will support you in taking your first steps when you're ready.