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5 Things That Happen at a Skills to Foster Training Course

When you apply to be a foster carer you will be invited to attend the Skills to Foster training course. The course provides pre-approval training for individuals and couples who are considering fostering. The training is an essential part of the application process for becoming a foster carer.

A group of potential foster carers pose in a group and smile at the camera while attending a Skills to Foster Training Session with Foster North East


Who delivers Skills to Foster pre-approval training? 

Fostering experts from the Foster with North East hub deliver fostering training & classes over a series of sessions. Training sessions are held in venues in your local community. New courses run every month. If you've been invited to attend and you're wondering what to expect, you're in the right place.

What to expect at a Skills to Foster training session 

First of all, please be reassured that Skills to Foster is a friendly course delivered in a relaxed setting. Each one of our fantastic foster carers across the North East will at some time have been in your shoes and completed this training and we're here to help you succeed. Skills to Foster is a mandatory training course, which is delivered by our Hub but must be completed whichever fostering service you join.  

"It was a great course, trainers were so nice. I really enjoyed it and the trainers were responsive and approachable and they presented the course extremely well. I found the training valuable and would highly recommend it to others thinking about fostering." Lisa

What do I need to bring to my fostering training course? 

Everything you need will be provided during your sessions. All you need to bring is a willingness to learn and your motivation to shape children's lives for the better. You might feel nervous stepping into the room for that first session but everyone is in the same boat. Plus, people who complete the training consistently tell us that it's been helpful for them. 

Facts about Skills to Foster Training

Let's talk about five things you can expect to happen in your sessions:  

1. You'll learn about the issues and challenges of fostering 

You'll discuss how your day-to-day life might change when caring for vulnerable children. You will explore the reasons behind common challenging behaviours and receive specialist training so you know what to do when issues arise. You'll also learn about safer caring and safeguarding and the roles of the wider support team around foster parents such as your social worker. 

2. You'll be asked to consider difficult questions 

You will need to dig deep to answer tricky questions. The topics might relate to your current situation or how you would feel or act in particular situations. There will be 'aha' moments. Foster care training will inform you about the different types of foster care and make you consider in more depth how fostering might work for you. 

"I found the Skills to Foster training extremely valuable. It was really helpful to have input from experienced foster carers who were able to talk about their own experiences. The content was good and informative and the trainers were extremely responsive. I would recommend the training to anyone thinking about fostering." Jenny.

3. You'll meet all kinds of people who want to be carers 

You'll meet other people who are starting their own journeys to becoming foster carers. Prospective foster carers are a diverse bunch, just like the children and young people you'll look after. Many foster carers tell us that they've made friends during training who they keep in touch with long after approval as a foster carer. 

4. It will form part of your Form F Assessment 

This training forms part of the assessment process and will feed into your form f fostering assessment. We do ask for feedback after training to help us know what works best and which areas we need to look at again but there's no formal test paper at the end that you need to take. 

5. You'll be able to ask questions about situations 

Part of your essential fostering training will be talking through situations that might come up as a foster carer, so you can ask questions and get answers from our expert team. You'll also learn by talking through different scenarios in group settings. 

Skills to Foster will be the first step in your continuous professional development as a foster carer. Our Foster With North East partner councils run a programme of training support and development for approved carers. You can expect regular skills refreshers and the chance to explore important and emerging topics to build new skills. 

Could you share your home to shape their future? 

You could become a trained and approved foster carer in as little as 24 weeks with your local council, the Foster with North East team is here to support you on your fostering journey.  If you think you could help shape the lives of children in your community, enquire online or call 0800 917 771

Read morefostering news, information and advice or download a Information pack

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